Tuesday, October 16, 2007


So, I was driving down the road today, listening to music on my way to the optical place. I see a man walking on the sidewalk. He's talking and gesturing with his hands, really trying to get his point across, it seems. Problem is, the man is alone. And as I'm driving, I say to myself, "Man! That dude is having a full blown conversation with himself! HAHAHA!"; and proceed to think about how crazy he is. Then a few minutes later it dawns on me... I was talkng to mysef about how crazy some dude is for talkng to himself. Oh, irony.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

© 2007 ALI
© 2007 ALI
© 2007 ALI
© 2007 ALI


Images, interactions... all imagined. Seeming quite real. Corpse burned, into billions of ash particles. Scattered over the bay, no longer in existance. Yet, there she is. More vibrant than ever. Unsure of why she visits me, I feel vulnerable and prone to attack. Unsure of why I can see her, she flees without a word. Questions racing through my mind, what is real and what is a sign. Closure, I need to find. A goodbye, long over due, but not irrelevant. Family traditions live on, I make sure. I will never forget....

My Mother.


(part 1)
dead is the flesh

where trembles once resided
numbness has replaced the nerves
the two have been divided
longing for infallible lust
with steel doors shut and locked
he knows he loved her once before
yet those memories are blocked
a striking archetype of romance
uninhibited attraction
bearing a resemblance
to unattainable satisfaction
he'd seen her face, felt her touch
wiped away her tears
to never know this love again
was the worst of all his fears
empty rooms and empty hearts
naked empty walls
and in that naked empty house
he heard echos of his calls
he cried in fear, he cried in pain
he cried in fits of rage
and yet the story must go on
it's time to turn the page...© 2007 ALI

(part 2; the continuance)
a life of isolation

in this deep and lonely cell
horrendous wounds upon his heart
he'd kept them hidden well
tattered, torn and gashed and bruised
she'd ripped him all to pieces
and even after all the pain
his love for her increases
hopes and dreams and shooting stars
could this be the love he'd lost
he would claw his way back to the top
he'd fight at any cost
to hold her hand, feel her pulse
kiss her sweet soft lips
and as he awoke he realized
he had to come to grips
his dream was gone for it had faded
with the morning's rising sun
he opened his eyes and found himself
right where he had begun...© 2007 ALI

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

Freedom is lost

It was brought to my attention once that the term "Freedom Fighter" can be misleading. A Freedom Fighter is a Contitutional activist, essentially. One who wants our country to return to the fair and just union it was intended to be. Where knowing your rights as a citizen, and demanding that they be upheld, was a sign of patriotism ... not of being an "enemy combatant". Where each vote counted and they counted each vote. How is the term misleading? Well, as my father instructed me to do, answer these questions:

What does a Crime Fighter fight?

What does a Firefighter fight?

And now, what would a Freedom Fighter fight?

Thanks, Dad!


I carry a "pocket Constitution" in my purse and keep one in my home because I (as every American should) refuse to cower in the face of authority and waive my Constitutional rights because "they" said so.